News from the D.G.

News from the D.G.

December 2024 – District Governor Ron Pierce

Ron Pierce - Dec 2024

1.  I’ve visited 99% of all the clubs, and I’m excited for everyone in 2025.  You guys blow me away with your creativity and plans.

2.  I won’t be on the road as much now, so if you need me, let me know and I will do my best to be there.  Otherwise, I will be doing something they call work (???) and back to my job engaging companies to see if they want a company that does Computer Support (and who follows the 4 Way Test at the same time.)  Apparently, being DG has put me a little behind in my “duties” and my team is wanting me to get back out there and get new clients needing help.  Still, I’m more than available to help do Discover Rotaries, speak at your club, and brainstorm new ways to have fun / run the club meeting.  (Mixing work and Rotary sounds like a great time to me.  Rotary Means Business, right???)

3.  I will be focusing on getting District Conference 2025 ready for all of you with the most incredible DC2025 team imaginable.  With a rockin’ event center, incredible speakers & talent, unbelievably great food and accommodations, I want you there.  Our goal is to have 350 – 400 people to participate, so get registered before we run out of slots!