2023 District Conference
Please go HERE for Latest District Conference Info!
May 5-7, 2023 – Le Meridien, Charlotte
Our joint 7680/7690 District Conference is from May 5-7, 2023 at Le Meridien Hotel, Charlotte, NC. There are options to register for the full conference, which is Friday through Sunday, or just register for the Friday or Saturday banquet. We’re planning on offering excursions at a later date. More info will be provided in the following months.
Conference Registration –
Hotel Registration –
Notes, Disclaimers and Reminders
Sponsorship Opportunities

Registration HERE! Any questions, contact Terri Dillon, District Conference Chair at terri.dillon62@gmail.com or call (336) 215-6240.
If you wish to Reserve a Room at LeMeridien Charlotte, 555 S.McDowell St. Tower, Charlotte, NC 28204, call 1-877-822-3224 and reference the Group’s name (Rotary District 7690), on or before Monday April 17, 2023.
Highlights – Coming Soon!
Agenda / Schedule
THURSDAY – May 4, 2023 (Joint Events)
8:30am-3:30pm Rotary Leadership Institute (Pre-Registration Required)
6:30pm-9:00pm College of Governors’ Dinner (Invitation Only; Registration in Advance)
FRIDAY (Joint Events During the Day)
8:00am-5:00pm Registration Desk Open
8:00am-Noon Rotary Service Opportunity #1 – “Literacy/Art/Community”
8:00am-10:00am Emerging Leaders (Registration in Advance; More Details to Follow)
10:00am-5:00pm House of Friendship/Exhibitors Open
10:00am-5:00pm Rotary Service Opportunity #2 – Drop off Non-Perishable Canned Foods for the benefit of FEEDING CHARLOTTE https://feedingcharlotte.org/about/
(Contest between 7680 and 7690 for Most Poundage)
12:30pm-4:00pm PLENARY SESSION #1
Ring in the Conference
Flag Ceremony
Procession of Dignitaries (PDG Chain, RI Rep)
Recognition of District Leadership
Conference Overview
Conference Committees
Pillars of Rotary
C.A.R.T. program
Polio Plus
Global Grants
Peace Scholars
Drawings and Door Prizes!
FRIDAY EVENING: District 7690 Events
5:00pm-6:00pm Reception for 2022-23 Major Donor (Joint Event; Invitation Only)
6:00pm-7:00pm Reception with Cash Bar (Joint Event; Cinco de Mayo Theme)
7:00pm-9:00pm 7690 District Banquet – Dinner (included), Introduction of DGE,
Club and District Awards
9:15pm-10:00pm THE MAGIC OF ROTARY! starring Magician Darryl Peebles (Joint Event)
7:30am-8:30am Breakfast Buffet Open
7:30am-2:00pm House of Friendship/Exhibitors Open
7:30am-Noon Registration Desk Open
8:30am-10:15am PLENARY SESSION #2
Drawings and Door Prizes
Special Recognitions
Welcome from Charlotte Ambassador
Projects/Service Showcases
4-Way Test Award
The State of Rotary
Rotary in Motion – Focus on Youth
10:30am-11:10am Breakout Session #1
- Rotaract/Interact/RYLA/RYE: Future of Rotary
- GROW Rotary
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Power of Partnerships
11:20 am-Noon Breakout Session #2
- Rotaract/Interact/RYLA/RYE: Future of Rotary
- GROW Rotary
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Power of Partnerships
Choose from one of these fun EXCURSIONS we have organized for you (cost not included in registration; must sign up and pay in advance)
EXCURSION #1 – Coming Soon!
EXCURSION #2 – Coming Soon!
EXCURSION #3 – Coming Soon!
EXCURSION #4 – Coming Soon!
Choose to participate in one of these COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS we have organized on-site at the hotel (no cost – just donate a couple hours of your time; please sign up in advance)
ROTARY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY #3 – Feeding Charlotte Packing Event
ROTARY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY #4 – Diaper Bank Packing Event
Spend an afternoon exploring the Queen City on your own. Check out the link for ideas! https://www.charlottesgotalot.com/
7:30am-8:15am Breakfast Buffet Open
8:15am-9:30am Interfaith Service/In Memoriam
9:40am-10:30am PLENARY SESSION #3
Closing Remarks
Drawings and Door Prizes
Grand Prize Drawing for 1 night at Le Meridien
One Voice Memories
Closing Thanks and Recognitions
Closing Ceremony
10:30am Adjourn
11:00am Hotel Check Out (Late checkouts may be available upon request)
Anniela “Anni” Carracedo is a 21-year-old Venezuelan Student based in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. She’s an alumna of Interact, RYLA, and Rotary Youth Exchange. She serves as Co-chair of the inaugural Rotary International Youth Advisory Council and as a Alumni Advisor of the Interact Advisory Council of Rotary International. In addition, Anni is a member of the Rotary Club of Bay St Louis and serves as Rotary District 6840 Rotaract Chair for 23-24. She also serves on other committees at the District and Zone levels regarding youth programs, peace, and DEI. Anni and her friends started Rotary Interactive Quarantine during the pandemic, a group of 900 students that evolved into the Rotary Youth Network (RYN), a platform to connect and empower Rotary youth worldwide. She was honored to be the speaker of the General Session at the 2023 Rotary International Assembly with a live audience of 2,000. She is planning to major in International Development and public policy.
Other Sponsorship Opportunities HERE!