About Charles Allen

Charles Allen
Charles was born and grew up in Greensboro, NC. In 1960 he moved to Asheboro, NC when his father moved the family business “Allen Machine & Supply, Inc.” there. Charles is a graduate of Asheboro High School. He attended college at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Guilford College in Greensboro, NC.
Charles and his wife, Sandra met in high school and have been “Love at First Sight” sweethearts since. They were married in 1962 and have three married children, Lee, Todd and Amber, two wonderful daughters-in-law, Mary Burt and Debbie and a great son-in-law, David Bruner. They’re blessed to have seven awesome grandchildren, Joseph, Emily, Dexter, Meredith, Jacob, Sarah and Jackson ages 18 to 11.
Charles and Sandra are active members of Balfour Baptist Church in Asheboro, NC where Charles has taught an adult Sunday school class and been a choir member since 1987.
Charles has been involved in many civic organizations in Asheboro … The Asheboro/Randolph County Chamber of Commerce and a graduate of the Leadership Randolph Class of 1994, Randolph Community College Foundation Board, Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, Asheboro Planning & Zoning Board, Randleman Planning & Zoning Board, and Randleman Board of Adjustments.
Charles has been a member of the Rotary Club of Randolph (Asheboro) since 1993 and served as club President in 1999-2000. During his year as president he and Sandra traveled to San Jose, Costa Rica to participate in Randolph Rotary’s first Matching Grant Project: MG No.12479, “Literacy Library Center – San Jose, Costa Rica”. He served as International Service Chairman & International Projects Chairman from 1998 through 2006 and co-coordinated the club’s International Service participation in “Saving Little Hearts in Nicaragua Project” with nine other District 7690 Rotary Clubs from 2001 through 2006. He also co-coordinated club participation in a RI Matching Grants Project No. MG 60289 “Saheli Vocational Training and Family Welfare Centre for Women” with the Rotary Club of Nawada, India in 2005-2006 and RI Matching Grants Project No. MG 61926 “Saheli Vocational Training and Family Welfare Centre for Women” with the Rotary Club of Patna Ashok, India in 2006-2007. He served on the 2001 – 2002 District Conference Committee, was District Rotary Foundation Annual Giving Chair during 2002 – 2003 and Assistant Governor from 2003 through 2006.
Charles and Sandra are Multiple Paul Harris Fellows, Paul Harris Sustaining Members and Benefactors. Charles is also a member of the Paul Harris Society.
Charles retired as President of Allen Precision Industries, Inc. in June 2006 and is still President of Allen Industrial & Welding Supply, LLC in Asheboro, NC.
Charles and Sandra have lived in Randleman, NC since 1976 and enjoy time with family, travel and various community activities and involvement. Charles also enjoys photography.
Allen, Charles L Sr (Sandra)
P.O. Box 623
Randleman, NC 27317
Home: 336-495-1145
Office: 336-495-1145
Fax#: 336-495-5739
Email: charlesallen@rotary7690.org
Club: Randolph (Asheboro)
Member Since: 09/01/93
Birthday: 4/20
Anniversary: 10/11
Classification: Property Management