About Kathryn “Cookie” Billings (2013-2014)

Cookie Billings
A Greensboro native and a graduate of UNC-Greensboro, Cookie now lives in Jamestown with her husband, Dr Ray Pifer. Cookie’s only son, Patrick Billings lives in Greensboro with his wife, Stephanie, and their daughters, Vica and Olia. Cookie is one of six children and remains close to her siblings and extended family spending free time, holidays, and travel opportunities in their company.
In 1988, after a four-year tenure as the internal auditor with the Guilford County School System, Cookie moved to the position of Finance Director for the Town of Jamestown. Remaining with Jamestown, she earned the additional role of Assistant Manager in 2003, and in 2006, was appointed to the position of Town Manager. Cookie retired from the Town Manager position in December 2010.
A life-long volunteer in the Guilford County community in a number of organizations, Cookie served in many capacities with Girl Scouts Tarheel Triad Council, eventually presiding as President of the Board of Directors for six years. She received the Thanks Badge II recognition, the highest adult award, and continued her volunteer services for four years as a National Operational Volunteer with the Girl Scouts of the USA. Recognized by the Greensboro United Way in 1996 as a “Community Hero”, she was honored with the privilege of being an Olympic Torchbearer in Greensboro. Cookie founded a Girl Scout troop and served as its Troop Leader for thirteen years. In 2015, Cookie was honored to receive the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, for her years of volunteer service in North Carolina.
A charter member (1996) of the Rotary Club Greensboro Airport, Cookie served as President of the club in 1999-2000. She was recognized as Greensboro Airport Club’s Rotarian of the year in 2007. A volunteer for the District Rotary Group Study Exchange, Cookie later chaired this committee for several years. She also served as the District Conference Chair at The Homestead in 2007. For three years, Cookie was Assistant Governor for Greensboro Area 5 (July 2007 to June 2010). Cookie has received several recognitions for her Rotary Service, including the RI Four Avenues of Service Citation for Individual Rotarians. Cookie served as Rotary 7690 District Governor in 2013-2014, District Trainer from 2014-2016, a Carolinas’ PETS Discussion Leader, and has been appointed to serve as District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair and Zone 33/34 Treasurer beginning July 1, 2016. Ray and Cookie are Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, Paul Harris Society and Bequest Society members.
Kathryn Quinn Billings (Cookie & Ray)
309 Winrow Drive
Jamestown, NC 27282
Home: 336-454-0542
Cell: 336-870-4957
Email: CookieBillings@Rotary7690.org
Club: Greensboro Airport
Member Since: 05/14/1996